I'm thrilled to share with you the cover for the UK e-book edition of WAKE OF WAR (JABberwocky ebooks) designed by Ash Ruggirello. She absolutely knocked it out of the park, perfectly capturing the tone of the book through the use of vibrant colors, stark shadows, and the ghost-like image of the smoldering cityscape. I love everything about this. It's ominous, and beautiful, and I can't wait for you all to read it.

Back Cover Copy:
In the future, the fate of America will be decided in a valley of death…
The year is 2037, and chaos reigns. The U.S. government is in the hands of a borderline fascist who rules a country that is falling apart. Economic collapse looms, whole populations are fleeing their homes, and the armed forces are caught in a seemingly helpless war. Their foe—their own countrymen.
The Revolutionist Front was borne of the government’s increasingly draconian actions. But the RF is equally extreme, run by a merciless megalomaniac determined to create his own version of America. Now, both armies find themselves in a stalemate in Salt Lake City, facing each other across a vital resource mine that could decide the outcome of the war.
In this maelstrom, three fighters will experience the horrors of war from different directions: a young, green infantryman about to receive his baptism of fire; a ruthless rebel sniper out to make her enemies pay for what they took from her; and a hardened mercenary being paid to protect the mine.
Each will be tested to the limits of their loyalties and personal honor. But none will emerge from the coming battle the same as when they walked into hell on earth…
-WAKE OF WAR available everywhere July 19, 2022—
Pre-order links for the UK edition:
For US-based readers looking to preorder their copy of WAKE OF WAR (Forge Books), I highly encourage you to order through your local indie book seller, or you can do so from any of the links below:
* Macmillan * Barnes & Noble * Books-a-Million * Amazon * Kobo *